Turning Great into Wow

What is the biggest takeaway from your discipleship group?

Deeper spiritual maturity from hearing how God is working in the lives of others… – Jasmin

Connecting to the diverse community celebrating the God we love. I enjoyed the sharing of struggles and victories. -Daniel

Pray, study, and be involved in the lives of other Christians. -Keith

Life-changing ministry begins with learning to think biblically about everything. But there is more, how do you land the plane of application on the field of one’s everyday life? That’s where discipleship comes alongside a great education to make it real in life, for discipleship deals with the heart which is then reflected in everyday life.

Our goal is to train the mind in the classroom then sharpen the student’s ministry approach to mirror Jesus’ training of his disciples. Jesus was brilliant. His disciples turned the world upside down. And we can learn from Him. In the Grace Discipleship and Mentoring Program, students in undergraduate and graduate programs are required to sign-up when taking a class during modules One and Three of each calendar year. Why is a Discipleship Group required? Great question!

Just before Jesus ascended, He commanded His disciples, then and now, to make disciples. It wasn’t a suggestion. He modeled it, and He commanded it. So why wouldn’t we prepare our students for ministry in line with Jesus’ command and example? At times, the church struggles with effectiveness because it has gotten away from how Jesus changed the world.

We want to impact one life at a time, one person at a time, who will change another life, who will affect another and then another. Jesus did it and the Book of Acts shouts: “Wow! It can be done!”

Dr. Steve Norris

Director of Discipleship, Grace School of Theology

“This is a great group and I’m very encouraged. I told God this morning that I feel like Paul when he wrote to the Thessalonians and stated that there was no word to adequately describe his joy over seeing that church thriving. That’s how I feel about this group of men.”


“It’s always a joy to just join a meeting where we don’t talk about doctrines and academics but life itself.”


“Admittedly skeptical at first, Grace School of Theology’s discipleship groups have quickly grown on me and even become the highlight of my week! What a fantastic picture of the body of Christ coming together, from different states, countries, vocations, and walks of life in fellowship and encouragement! Thanks, GSOT.”


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